Maple's Puppies
Maple had her puppies on January 1st, 2024. She has 4 boys and 1 girl. 3 boys are Salt/Pepper markings. 1 boy and the girl are Black/Silver markings. We are down to 1 Salt/Pepper male left and he is ready for his forever home!
All puppies will have tails docked, dew claws removed, a current vet check, dewormed, and vaccinations. If you would like information on one of the other available puppies from this litter, click the contact button below!
Salt/Pepper Male! He has 2 white toes on his back left foot. He will be ready for his forever home at 8 weeks old. He has his tail docked and dew claws removed. He has been to the vet for his first exam, deworming, and vaccinations!
Black/Silver Male! He has 2 white spots on his neck. He will be ready for his forever home at 8 weeks old. He has his tail docked and dew claws removed. He has been to the vet for his first exam, deworming, and vaccinations!
Black/Silver Female! She has 1 white spot on her neck. She will be ready for her forever home at 8 weeks old. She has her tail docked and dew claws removed. She has been to the vet for her first exam, deworming, and vaccinations!
Salt/Pepper Male! He has 1 small white spot on his chest. He will be ready for his forever home at 8 weeks old. He has his tail docked and dew claws removed. He has been to the vet for his first exam, deworming, and vaccinations!
Salt/Pepper Male! He has no noticable markings. He will be ready for his forever home at 8 weeks old. He has his tail docked and dew claws removed. He has been to the vet for his first exam, deworming, and vaccinations!