Harlee's Puppies 2019
Harlee gave birth to 3 beautiful puppies on June, 29th, 2019. There are 2 females and 1 male! All puppies are Black/Silver and will come with AKC papers! Their tails have been docked and dew claws removed. They will receive their first round of shots today. They have been started on potty training, eat solid food (currently on Puppy Science Diet), and play well with our 2 year old son! They will be ready to go to their forever homes on August 24th, 2019. 1 Female, Molly, is sold. We have 1 female and 1 male left! If you have any questions about them please click the "Contact Us" tab! From left to right:
Female (Available), Male (Available), Female (Sold)
These puppies are well loved and socialized! ;)
Molly (Sold)
Wade, our 2 year old, has LOVED these puppies and just had to hop in their photoshoot! <3